3 thoughts on “Acceptance speech

  1. From my first speech to this one I have made a lot of progress on keeping my nerves down as well as making eye contact more often. I have included a lot more excitement and energy into this speech compared to my first one. I am not as monotone and when I talked my words were more understandable and clear. There are still a number of areas where I can still focus on improving and fixing. I need to not rely on my note cards as much, as well as making even more eye contact with my audience. I want to look more relaxed when presenting. When I present I need to make the speech better flowing and eliminate a number of errors which I noticed when watching my speech back a couple times, for example mixing up my words, stumbling, and using words that don’t make sense.

  2. Hey, I would have to agree that you made a lot of progress from your first speech. You used a much louder tone which helped the audience grasp your topic very easily. It seemed very real, almost as if you actually were receiving this great award. You did a great job of acting like you were actually receiving an award which helped the flow of your speech. I believe there are many things we all need to work on but I believe the biggest thing you need to work on is eye contact. I am the exact same way and I tend to look down for most of the speech. I believe this all has to do with being comfortable in front of the audience, which will only come with time. Keep it up!

  3. I also agree with that this speech showed already a lot of progress. You started with a nice opening and you made it clear why the award was so important to you. I found it really good that you stayed humble in your acceptance speech, you gave appreciation to all the people that helped you in receiving your goal. Your voice had a good tone and I could follow your speech clearly.
    A bit more eye contact could make the speech even better, but you already noted yourself this is something you want to work on. In general really good job!

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